15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 12
If you don’t already know by now this lovely challenge is provided by the blog, Good Books And Good Wine. Be sure to check it out!
Day 12: How do you fight blogger fatigue?
I really don’t think I have this problem too often. When I am too exhausted to blog, but know I want to post I try to fight it in three ways.
1) Drink caffeine
2) Write posts ahead of time, then post them.
3) Blog at the time of day when I know I am not sleepy.
Sometimes it can be really hard keeping up with a blog. Things come up that can postpone blogging, and its hard to work around a busy schedule, like this week for me. I’m not only extremely busy with work, but I’m also trying to get ready for school. It takes a lot of time management and organization to make sure you get the rest you need, get things organized, and also have enough time to post. It’s really hard to stay motivated sometimes, but for me blogging is stress releasing. I like to come home from a long day and write about what I love and share it with others.

Cheers to not falling into the scary depths of blogger fatigue my fellow writers. May the force be with you!
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