15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 2
This challenge was created by Good Books and Good Wine! Check out her blog! Onto day 2!
Day 2: What’s Your Bedtime Reading Ritual
So I really don’t have a daily bedtime ritual. But when I do read before I go to bed….
1) Make delicious tea.

Usually I drink decaffeinated tea, if I’m trying to go to bed right away. But if it’s a night where I want to stay up and read lots longer, I drink caffeinated tea or coffee.
2) Find some yummy snacks to eat.

Okay, so maybe not so much like Mr.Bean here, but you get the point. I don’t know why, but a lot of the time I get the munchies before bed. Anyone else? I usually eat light snacks like trail mix or goldfish.
3) Find a cozy spot to read on my bed or on my lounge chair.
So I then find cozy spot to read so I can get lost in my book.
4) Read.
And we have Mr.Bean again. Haha! Usually I read till I fall asleep on my book or read till I get sleepy, then go to bed.
What’s your bedtime reading ritual? Leave it in the comments!
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Haha love the the Mr. Bean references! Great post!
Haha, thanks. I just happened to be looking for gifs to go along with my post and Mr.Bean kept showing up. So I said why not? Mr.Bean is awesome!
Ha ha great post, and only improved by all the awesome gif’s!
I’ve never actually tried decaffeinated tea, does it taste the same as normal tea?
Thanks! Decaffeinated tea is pretty much the same. It tastes the same flavor wise, but it just doesn’t have any caffeine to help you to stay awake and it makes you feel more relaxed and sleepy.
Hmm interesting, I wasn’t sure how much the caffeine actually affected the taste so it’s good that it’s similar. I think I may need the caffeine anyway though.
My bedtime reading ritual:
1. Sit on the couch and start watching the baseball game around 7:00
2. Read on the laptop while doing above
3. Until my eyes get too tired, the game ends, or I turn into a pumpkin (around 9:00 usually)
4. Give up, take out the contacts and go to bed.
1. Run around like a headless chicken trying to finish stuff up and/or
2. Come back from whatever meeting or program scheduled for that evening
3. Feel like I can finally relax, so try to read until
4. Somebody interrupts me to ask me to do something else
5. Get really irritated
6. (see number 4 above)
I know, not really exciting.
Haha, I understand! Sometimes I give up as well because I get too tired to focus on reading a book.