15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 4
Once again, this fun book blogging challenge is provided by Good Books and Good Wine! Check it out and participate too!
Day 4: What’s the last book you flung against the room?
Haha, well I really don’t throw my books. Okay…well I do sometimes, but it’s usually only when a book makes me incredibly frustrated, mad, or really upset. I rarely do it, because my books are so precious to me.
I think the last book I read that really frustrated me was Mockingbird by Suzzane Collins! It’s the last book in the Hunger Games trilogy.
So the main reason this book made me so mad was the insane amounts of characters dying, that I personally felt didn’t really need to be killed off. Collins what were you thinking?!
Let’s look at the death toll:
Leeg 1
Leeg 2
Peeta’s prep team
President Snow
President Coin
Okay, I understand some number of deaths were necessary because it was supposed to be war, but come on!!!!! And for some of these more main/important characters, in this list, they really didn’t get a proper send off. They had super short death scenes as opposed to the other characters in this novel and in previous ones. Not to mention Prim’s and Finnick’s death pissed me off!! I was sad and angry!!!
The other point I want to make is the large amount of times Katniss keeps getting injured throughout the entire novel! It seems like every time she was needed in a battle she ended in up in some kind of infirmary a short time later. Like stated before it’s war, so I know there are casualties and injuries, but I was surprised Katniss wasn’t a bionic woman by the end of the novel. It was annoying!
Needless to say my feelings about this book:

And now my question goes to you! What’s the last book you flung against the room?
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Related articles
- Mockingjay (The Final Book of The Hunger Games) (osbornclosebooks.com)
- Catching Fire (osbornclosebooks.com)
- Mocking the Mocking Jay (lanternhollowpress.com)
Well, I’ve never thrown a book either, but the last book that made me incredibly frustrated was “The Hesitant Pilgrim: American Catholicism After the Council” by Fr. Andrew Greeley (1966). The reason isn’t the writing, or even so much the content. Back in 1966, hopes were high for meaningful change in the Catholic Church following the reforms of the Second Vatican Council (my definition of meaningful may vary from other people’s). Based on empirical sociological data collected from American Catholics at the time and following what seems to be a logical progression of thought, the sociologist Fr. Andrew Greeley predicted a number of trends for my Church that have not come true in the subsequent 47 years. The factor he neglected to give enough weight to was the inertia (at best) or active resistance to change (more likely) in the hierarchical Church. So my frustration comes from the loss of potential and the fact that I couldn’t read the book with very much hope.
I see, I can’t stand when I read books with a loss potential. Usually for me, it’s the loss of the character being in-depth, not showing growth, or also the same things happening repeatedly over and over again.