15 Day Book Blogger Challenge: Day 6
This cool blogging challenge is provided by Good Books and Good Wine Her blog is fantastic so check it out! Let’s begin…
Day 6: Describe how you shop for books.
1) My mom suggests that we should go to one of our favorite book stores or even go to a new one that we haven’t been to before.

Sounds like a pretty good idea…
2) I am hesitant to go because I really don’t have that much money on me anyway. But I decide it will be fun to look anyway. So I’m pretty happy at this point.
My happy dance…
3) Go to the book store and walk inside and then I act like this…

4) Which leads to me picking up books like this… and pushing my mom out-of-the-way (sometimes) to get to books! (sorry mom!)

5) Having to put back some books because I don’t have enough money.

6) End up still buying way more than I expected. But happy that I got some cool books to read!

My friend gave me the term “book whisperer” a couple of years ago, and it has really stuck with me. I don’t know why she called me that. Maybe it’s because I always end up buying books every time I go to the book store. It’s like I look at certain books and it speaks to me saying “Hey! Buy me!”, and it ends up being a really good book! Lol!
And the question to everybody is, how do you shop for books? I’m really interested, so let me know 🙂
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- 15 Day Book Blogger Challenge,Day 6- Shopping for Books (chapterbreak.wordpress.com)
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