Book Review: “The Sweeney Sisters” by Lian Dolan
“The Sweeney Sisters” by Lian Dolan (2020)
Genre: Adult, Contemporary, Fiction
Page Length: 304 pages (electronic review edition)
Maggie, Eliza, and Tricia Sweeney grew up as a happy threesome in the idyllic seaside town of Southport, Connecticut. But their mother’s death from cancer fifteen years ago tarnished their golden-hued memories, and the sisters drifted apart. Their one touchstone is their father, Bill Sweeney, an internationally famous literary lion and college professor universally adored by critics, publishers, and book lovers. When Bill dies unexpectedly one cool June night, his shell-shocked daughters return to their childhood home. They aren’t quite sure what the future holds without their larger-than-life father, but they do know how to throw an Irish wake to honor a man of his stature.
But as guests pay their respects and reminisce, one stranger, emboldened by whiskey, has crashed the party. It turns out that she too is a Sweeney sister.
When Washington, DC based journalist Serena Tucker had her DNA tested on a whim a few weeks earlier, she learned she had a 50% genetic match with a childhood neighbor—Maggie Sweeney of Southport, Connecticut. It seems Serena’s chilly WASP mother, Birdie, had a history with Bill Sweeney—one that has remained totally secret until now.
Once the shock wears off, questions abound. What does this mean for William’s literary legacy? Where is the unfinished memoir he’s stashed away, and what will it reveal? And how will a fourth Sweeney sister—a blond among redheads—fit into their story?(Description from Goodreads)
By turns revealing, insightful, and uproarious, The Sweeney Sisters is equal parts cautionary tale and celebration—a festive and heartfelt look at what truly makes a family.
This novel follows the story of three sisters: Liza, Maggie, and Tricia who have come together after the death of their father. The three sisters have stayed connected over the years, but grieving over their father brings them closer together. William Sweeney was a highly acclaimed author who not only leaves behind his family, but his works and fans of . It brings up many emotions for each sister as they reflect over his life and memories with their father.
A bombshell secret is dropped on the sisters and they have to learn how to cope with the new changes in their lives. They feel hurt and betrayed by their father. They begrudgingly accept their new sister, Serena, while trying to grieve in their own ways. Serena becomes more involved while feeling like a total outsider. She lived next door to the sisters, but was never a part of their life. Going through their fathers house proves to be different task as there are many loose strings he’s left behind. It seems his affairs are a bit messier than they thought it would be.
This book discusses some heavy topics such as infidelity, death, and addiction. It focuses on the themes of grief and family. So many times the Sweeney sisters have been pushed to a brink where their relationship might be strained and their own personal lives. Through reflections of their past its an opportunity for them to strengthen their bond and open up to one another. Even though they are close they find it hard to break the facade they always put on.
This books was bittersweet, emotional, and sad. I liked the development of the characters and it was a strong narrative. But overall I felt a bit bored by this book. I think the reason I had trouble reading this novel, because I couldn’t connect with it at times and the story fell flat in some parts.
Final Verdict:

FTC Disclaimer: I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.