Book Tag Thursday: The Non-Fiction Book Tag

Welcome to my segment where I find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide interwebs made by lovely bloggers like you! I hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well!

Today’s Topic: The Non-Fiction Book Tag

Found At: Thoughts on Papyrus

 What non-fiction book would you recommend to everyone? 

This Promise of Change is set when the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1954 ruling in Brown v. Board of Education ordered Clinton High School in Clinton, Tennessee, to desegregate. In 1956, 12 Black teenagers who became known as “The Clinton 12,” attended the first integrated public high school in the South. The book chronicles the student’s experience from the first-person point of view. Jo Ann Allen Boyce’s (one of the authors) viewpoint gives readers an eye-opening view of her raw experience.

What is your favorite non-fiction sub-genre?


What sub-genre in non-fiction do you tend to avoid?

None really. I’m open to reading most sub-genre, I just have to be drawn to the subject. The only thing I really can’t handle is true crime in written form.

 A non-fiction book that you found particularly insightful?

This is Major is a book full of essays about the author’s experience as a Black woman and her thoughts of Black women in the media, pop culture, legacy, and so much more. There’s a lot to unpack in this collection of thoughts, but I enjoyed it thoroughly from beginning to end. There are so many important narratives, awareness about many issues are brought to light, there are fun musings on life’s experiences, and an overall deeper conversation about race.

A non-fiction book that made you sad or angry? 

I Am Yours is a raw and emotional memoir where the author shares stories from personal experiences in her life. The book starts with stories from her youth until the present. Through her personal experiences, she describes vivid events that shaped her into the woman she is today. This was such a sad, but well-written memoir.

Pick three non-fiction sub-genres and make from them three recommendations.

Comedian Memoirs – The book is a compilation of essays about her life, career, family/background, rise to fame, and her experiences on the set of Parks and Recreation. Though her writing rambles on at times, this book was such a fun read! Reading this book felt like I was having a casual conversation with Rhetta. She had me constantly laughing out loud and I appreciated getting to know her on a more personal level.

Coming of Age/TravelAm I There Yet? is a graphic memoir about navigating life and adulthood filled with an entertaining narrative and lots of illustrations. pictures are colorful, quirky drawing styles that I like. She talks about how there is no easy way to navigate life, but that we should make sure to enjoy the little moments and take risks in order to live a fuller life.

Unknown History Unmentionable is a history book about women in the Victorian era that covers a variety of topics such as hygiene, clothing, menstruation, marriage, and much more. Overall, this book is fun, knowledgeable, and straight forward. It refreshed the history that I initially learned in school, but I ended up learning a lot of new things about the Victorian era, especially some pretty disturbing facts.

What non-fiction book has been on your TBR list for the longest?

Starting Point is a collection of essays, interviews, and memoir that go back to the roots of Miyazaki’s childhood, the formulation of his theories of animation, and the founding of Studio Ghibli. Being a long-time Studio Ghibli fan I think this book would be very interesting.

A non-fiction book you read (used to read) (too) many times? 

A non-fiction book (not a future or recent release) you are hoping to read soon?

This is a vulnerable and uplifting memoir about the author, Sharnie Fenn, and her sassy Japanese grandmother, Baachan, and how her life-changing advice helped her navigate growing up Japanese-Australian and overcoming her crippling identity crisis, healing from an abusive relationship and learning how to find her voice and to live shamelessly. I found out about this author from her social media videos of her and her grandma.

Name a future (recent) book release you are excited to read? 

This novel was released earlier this year and being a fan of The Daily Show and her work (as a comedian) on it I wanted to check out her memoir. It’s a memoir about her road to success, and the hustle and hard work she had to put in to get where she is in her career.

Tag! You’re it! Comment with your answers below or participate by writing your own post and link back to me.

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