Book Tag Thursday: I’ll Get Around To It Later Tag

Welcome to my segment where I find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide interwebs made by lovely bloggers like you! I hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well!

Today’s Topic: I’ll Get Around To It Later Tag

Created By: Liesl Brunner at Quote, Unquote 

  • Link back to the original post at Quote, Unquote so the creator can read your answers
  • Link back to the post of the person who tagged you and thank them. Okay, thanks for the fun read, bookforager!
  • You may use the included graphic anywhere in your post, but you don’t have to. (you can find it back on Quote, Unquote)
  • Fill all seven categories
  • You can either leave this tag open so anyone can do it or tag up to seven people

A classic book that you have been meaning to read forever but haven’t yet

Parable of the Sower is a a modern classic about a young girl fighting for survival in a post-apocalyptic world. I enjoyed Kindred by Butler so much that I want read her backlist. I think this is the next novel in my Octavia Butler collection I want to read.

A book on your shelf that you haven’t read yet

In Temper, twin brothers are beset by powerful forces beyond their understanding or control. I have read Drayden before and I’ve had this novel on my shelves for a few years. This novel is supposed to be blend of science fiction, horror, magic, and dark humor.

A book that you got recently that you haven’t read

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I bought this novel as a gift to myself with a gift card I received for Christmas among other titles. This novel is an mysterious adventure featuring the living dead, a magical pearl, and a suspiciously nosy black cat named Kiriko.

A book that you’ve had forever but haven’t read

I’ve had this novel on my shelf for years and most recently I decided to part with it. I don’t think I’ll ever read it and while it is a classic, I’m just not interested in the story.

A book a friend recommended that you haven’t read

A few of my blogger friends have put me on to this cozy fantasy read and it sounds like something I would enjoy. The Spellshop is a cozy fantasy tale full of stolen spell books, unexpected friendships, and a romance.

A book you’re procrastinating on

This novel has been sitting in my Kindle Unlimited library for months now. I love Lemmings’ books so much! I guess I keep procrastinating reading this novel because I don’t want this trilogy to end. I highly recommend the Mead Mishaps series.

The next book on your TBR

One of my book club reads for March. I’m trying out a graphic novel book club and this is the title for the current month. It looks interesting.

Tag! You’re it! Comment with your answers below or participate by writing your own post and link back to me.

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