A Bibliophile’s New Year Resolutions for 2014!
As New Year’s eve comes upon us, I thought it would be a good idea to share my New Year’s bibliophile resolutions for 2014 with my fellow bloggers. 2013 was a fantastic year for books, as well as decent book movie adaptations. I didn’t read as much as I would have liked to, but I enjoyed majority of the books I did read. There were only a few books that I didn’t really care for. I bought a lot of books, as usual, and added even more new books to my never-ending TBR pile (thanks to my fellow book bloggers for writing such awesome reviews).
This year also marked the start of my blog. I just want to say thank you so much to people who follow/read my posts. The book blogging community here is so welcoming and friendly and I have met a lot of great people who write some amazing blogs. I still feel like such a newbie to blogging, but I’m slowly working my way to write new and fun posts that everyone can enjoy as well as finalize the design of my blog to my liking. I haven’t even gotten to my one year blogging anniversary yet and I’ve gotten to review good books, collaborate with bloggers, and even connect with authors. Thank you so much!!!!
Without further ado here are my bibliophile resolutions for 2014…
1) Read! Read! Read!
I felt like I didn’t read much as I could this year, so I am going to use every open opportunity to read a book.

2) Work through my TBR pile
My TBR pile is a definite challenge, with so many books to catch up on. I want to catch up with some of the books I bought (some a long while ago) so I can make room for new books.

3) Expand my reading horizons
Having the opportunity the read various books outside my comfort zone in literature classes, made me realize I need to change my reading habits a little bit. I want to read so many different kinds of books now!

4) Catch up with current books
I always feel as if I’m behind in what everyone else in reading. Not that it’s super important, but I would like to be more up to date newer releases.

5) Clean out and organize my book collection
I want to organize my books a little more and save some money to buy a better and bigger book-case so my collection can look something like this….

And those are my bibliophile resolutions for 2014!!! What are yours? Let me know! Happy New Year!!!

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Related articles
- A Bibiliophile`s Paradise (redhenrun.wordpress.com)
- Symptoms Of Bibliophilia [Beware] (ivansbrain.wordpress.com)
- Shopping for the Bibliophile in your Life (kimhaas.wordpress.com)
- 2014 New Year Resolutions (thefoodmedic.wordpress.com)
- The perks of being a Bibliophile. (bittergirljancis.wordpress.com)
This was a fun post with cool Gifs. I’ll also be cleaning out and organising my books soon and I hope my collection looks like that. And if it comes with a foxy lady like Belle then I’d be even happier 😉
Happy New Year!
Thank you! I’m glad I found your blog, I’m always looking for new Japanese films to watch since I like Japanese culture and study the language. You find some really good movies! Happy New Year! 🙂
Thanks for the mention in Related articles. I`m just happy to have begun the process of sorting out all the books I own. And working to the point of living in a home entirely full of books! 😉
No problem, you’re welcome! I’m the same with my books. Organizing books can be a challenge and take some time. I’m taking it day by day, lol. Happy New Year! 🙂