Bibliophile Tips: How To Navigate a Book Signing

Hello everyone! I’m back with another round of Bibliophile Tips! Today I’ll be chatting about some tips to help you navigate book signings or author events that have helped me to be prepared and have the best time. I hope these tips will help you in return.

Be Prepared

Depending on the type of event, some venues let you bring books to be signed or purchased there. Make sure to have enough money on hand and if you’re bringing books to know which titles to bring. I also recommend making sure your photo is charged if you are able to take video snippets or photos at the event. That way when it’s your turn to have a one-on-one with the author/s you are ready to go!

Arrive Early

Many of these types of events are RSVP only or first come first served which means you need to arrive early! If you want the best seat in the house, you’re going to want to get there ahead of the event start time. Being early allows you to get a good seat and where your view won’t have obstructions.

Make New Bookish Friends

You’re at an event with other readers so seize the opportunity (if you feel comfortable enough doing) and chat with others. Maybe you might meet someone who’s favorite book of the author is yours too or you can strike up a conversation about current reads. I’ve met some great people at these events and have even connected with some through Bookstagram, etc.

Be Patient & Courteous

This is obvious, but needs to be said anyway. Don’t hog the Q&A with all of your burning questions and let other readers inquire about the book as well. There will be a line for signing or purchasing books. Don’t line jump, be patient, and wait your turn.

Have Fun!

This is the most important part! Getting to meet an author in person is always such a special experience and you should cherish it. Even though author tours/book conventions are frequent your location might not always be a tour stop (speaking from my own experience). I enjoy getting to connect with authors about favorite characters, writing process, and the opportunity to get my book signed for my collection. Plus I get to nerd out books! Make sure to enjoy yourself and make the most of the moment!

What are some library tips you have to share? Let me know in the comments.

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