Bibliophile Tips: Websites to Buy New & Used Books
Hello everyone! I wanted to do something a bit different on the blog today and share some websites for book shopping. I’ve compiled a list of websites that you can purchase new and used books outside of Amazon and eBay. I hope this list will be helpful to you and that you’ll find some new sites to purchase those books on your TBR.

Alibris is an online store that sells new books, used books, out-of-print books, rare books, and other media through an online network of independent booksellers. They have a wide variety of items to choose from and their prices are reasonable depending on what you’re looking for.
Deep Discount provides heavily discounted prices when shopping for DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, and Vinyl online. Though they are more focused on DVDs and CDs (I have found good deals on K-Pop albums) they also carry books too. It can be a hit or miss depending on whether the said item is in stock, but they have a lot of sales and weekly deals.
Instock Trades

Instocktrade is a website that sells discounted trade paperbacks and hardcover collections of comics, graphic novels, and manga. I’ve personally never used this site before, but I know of a lot of manga readers that do. The only con I’ve heard is that the shipping can take a long time.

Originally based in Japan this website connects people across the U.S. to shop and sell almost anything. It’s got the same format as eBay. I haven’t used this website as a seller, but I haven’t had any issues buying items as a shopper. I’ve found a lot of items that I’ve had a harder time getting my hands on.
Better World Books

Better World Books’ used book inventory comes primarily from regular book drives at colleges and donations from library systems. They also have a lot of donation box locations so if you’re looking to unhaul some books, this may be an option for you. Lots to choose from on this website and they recycle books.
Rightstuf Anime

Rightstuf is an independent video publisher and distributor of video programming that specializes in Asian entertainment (anime and live-action films). Though they mainly sell anime, this is a website to check out for manga readers! They always have sales on popular titles and I’ve found some great manga on clearance too.
Book Depository

Book Depository is a leading international book retailer with a unique offer — over 20 million books and free delivery worldwide (with no minimum spend). This is a well-known site, but I wanted to include it on this list anyway. I like that there is free shipping worldwide and you can purchase other international versions of your favorite books.

ThriftBooks is a large web-based used bookseller headquartered near Seattle, Washington. ThriftBooks sells used books, DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, video games, and audio cassettes. This is website that is also similar to Albiris. You can find some titles that are harder to get a bookstore in your area. The shipping is efficient too.
What are some websites you use to shop for books? Leave your thoughts in the comments.
Post was helpful. I’m mostly using thriftbooks, but BetterWorldBooks might be helpful for finding the more scholarly nonfiction books I’m looking for.
Glad you found this post helpful! BetterWorldBooks and Alibris tend to have more scholarly books from what I’ve heard. I hope you are able to find the books you’re looking for.