Book Review: “Under the Oak Tree” (Volume 1) by Suji Kim

“Under the Oak Tree” (Volume 1) by Suji Kim (2024)

Genre: Fiction, Fantasy, Romance

Page Length: 496 pages (hardcover edition)


Lady Maximilian is the daughter of the powerful Duke Croyso, but she is rarely allowed outside her family’s sprawling castle for fear that her stutter will tarnish their noble name. When she is forced to marry Sir Riftan, a lowborn knight caught in one of her father’s schemes, Maxi doesn’t dare hope for happiness, let alone love. Her stumbling communication and his gruff manner sour their relationship before it can begin, and Riftan leaves without a word the morning after their vows are exchanged.

Now, three years after their disastrous wedding night, Riftan has returned as a war hero. To Maxi’s surprise, despite rumors that he was offered marriage to Princess Agnes, a beautiful and renowned sorceress, Riftan still wants Maxi for his wife. And when he comes to claim her, his longing becomes a desire that bewilders Maxi, even as she is overcome by the scorching heat that Riftan’s presence ignites within her. As she learns to navigate the intricacies of her new life, Maxi will find herself and her courage, and discover that she is anything but powerless.


Its been a while since I’ve delved into a webtoon and reading the first volume of Under The Oak Tree was such a treat. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this Romantasy but it did not leave me disappointed.

Set in medieval times, the story follows the main protagonist, Lady Maximillian, who struggles with her position as a dukes daughter and navigating the politics that come with her family’s position. Growing up in such a cold environment has led her to become reserved and sheltered. Due to her being shunned by those around her, when she goes to live with Sir Riftan it becomes a challenge for her to open up to others along with her husband. She must navigate her new surroundings the best she can and slowly learns to gain more confidence for herself and to stand up against others.

It was so rewarding to see Max grow as person as she finally takes the lead in her life and is supported by Riftan. Riftan though he has a hard and intimidating stature, is more soft than he lets on. It was nice to see him in action in battle and it balanced out with the care he has for his people and Max. Seeing them get to know each other was very sweet and I look forward to seeing their relationship grow and getting to know more about them individual. On top of that I also thoroughly enjoyed the secondary cast of characters and the authors treats them with much care as the main characters. This made the story even more engaging as I become eager to learn about each person.

Romantasy stories are one of my favorite sub genre recently and I felt that this story captures all of the elements included in it. The world building is done smoothly and I enjoyed setting of in a medieval time. Though some aspects seem predictable other parts of the story caught me off guard. I think the romantic conflict of Riftan and max’s relationship is written well. I appreciated how the writer and illustrator have adapted an older 19th century style story into something more modern for readers to enjoy.

If you haven’t read this I highly recommend reading this romantic fantasy saga! I can’t wait to see what happens next. The artwork was absolutely stunning and added to the overall story making Under The Oak Tree a very memorable reading experience!

Final Verdict:

FTC Disclaimer: I received this novel from Manta in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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