Book Tag Thursday: Pumpkin Book Tag
As always for this segment I will find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs and complete mini-challenges. I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well! Leave your own answers in the comments or write your post and link it back to me.
Today’s Topic: Pumpkin Book Tag
Created By: LiteraryGladiators
Pumpkin – A writer you always make a point to read in October
I don’t have a particular writer, but I usually gravitate towards horror writers or any spooky reads!
Pumpkin Spice – A work you would read to impress a millennial
I can’t think of anything at all. I guess something like a book from one of those celebrity book clubs?
Pumpkin Pie – A work that makes you think of autumn

Though the cover doesn’t have fall colors, the cute ghost on the cover makes me think of Halloween. Also the story takes place in autumn.
Pumpkin Cheesecake – A work that was challenging to read, but was a rewarding experience

This novel was challenging to read at first because of it’s futuristic setting and that I didn’t know anything that was happening until I got a quarter way into the book. I stuck with it though, and the story was so good!
Pumpkin Bread – An underrated work from a well-known writer

This series is so good! Go out and read it! It’s has a dystopian setting and novel has elements of Sci-fi and Romance.
Pumpkin Soup – A work that you first enjoyed, but then lost interest

I love Christina Lauren books, but this novel was just so-so. It wasn’t bad, but it didn’t have that spark like other books.
Pumpkin Doughnut – A light, five-star read

This graphic novel was cute, heartwarming and informative novel about deaf culture from the own author’s childhood experiences.
Pumpkin Picking – Within the last year, in which genre did you purchase the most books?
Contemporary and Fantasy
Pumpkin Carving – A work that could have been trimmed down

A great book about a legendary female detective, but there was information overload! I think some parts of the book could have been omitted.
Pumpkin Painting – A book with magnificent illustrations

Yoo is a talented artist and I love how incredible detailed the drawings are in this series. The attention to the landscapes and character designs draw the reader into the story.
Pumpkin Ice Cream – The most random work you would recommend

I just finished this novel recently and loved it. Septys is awesome historical fiction writer. This novel has a murder mystery, romance, and lots of suspense!
What is your favorite way to enjoy pumpkin/what is your favorite dish where pumpkin is the main ingredient?
I love Pumpkin Nut Bread! It’s comforting and it’s one of my favorite flavored breads!
Pumpkin Patch – Who do you tag?
Anyone and everyone who wants to participate in this tag!
Tag You’re It! Create your own post and link back to me or answer in the comments below!
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Pumpkin Nut Bread sounds yummy. I don’t think I’ve ever had it before though.
It is the best! 😀
I have my version of this tag going live tomorrow! It was so fun! Thanks.
You’re Welcome!