Book Tag Thursday: Rapid Fire Book Tag
As always for this segment I will find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs and complete mini-challenges. I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well! Leave your own answers in the comments or write your post and link it back to me.
Today’s Topic: Summer Reader Book Tag
Created By: GirlReading
E-Book or Physical Book?
I like reading both, but nothing beats the feeling of holding an actual book in my hands.
Paperback or Hardback?
For this one I’m going to go with paperback editions. They are much easier to carry on-the-go!
Online or In-Store Book Shopping?
Online shopping may be convenient, but nothing can replace the feeling of walking into a physical bookstore. Plus it’s easier to shop for books in person.
Trilogies or Series?
Series! I like the world building and character development in the span of several books.
Heroes or Villains?
Villians. They can be just as complex as heroes and it’s interesting to read their backstories of what they become or how life has turned them into such a nasty person.
A book you want everyone to read?

It’s such an epic fantasy novel! (Review)
Recommend an underrated book?

This YA novel is an interesting blend of fantasy and historical fiction about the Romanovs.
The last book you finished?

This novel is a YA novel with some unexpected twists and turns. I wish I had enjoyed it more, but this one is so-so.
The Last Book You Bought?

In my August Book of the Month box, I chose Dominicana by Angie Cruz. This looks like a good read!
Weirdest Thing You’ve Used as a Bookmark?
I can’t think of anything. I did use a clean tissue once.
Used Books: Yes or No?
Yes! I love acquiring used books. Especially if I’m looking for an older edition of a book I want.
Top Three Favorite Genres?
Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Romance.
Borrow or Buy?
Lately I’ve been leaning less towards buying and more towards borrowing from my library. It’s more cost effective.
Characters or Plot?
Plot. That’s usually what look in a novel.
Long or Short Books?
I love a good long book as long as it written with great detail and is entertaining. I do have a limit for how long it is though.
Long or Short Chapters?
Long chapters. That way the chapters aren’t choppy.
Name The First Three Books You Think Of…
Books That Makes You Laugh or Cry?
Books that made me laugh. 🙂
Our World or Fictional Worlds?
Fictional Worlds.
Audiobooks: Yes or No?
I was a fan of audio books when I was younger, but now I struggle listening to them. So it’s a no from me.
Do You Ever Judge a Book by its Cover?

Yes, I’m guilty of it.
Book to Movie or Book to TV Adaptations?
TV adaptations because they can interpret the story in multiple episodes or series rather the movie having to rush the plot in a 2 hour movie.
A Movie or TV-Show You Preferred to its Book?

Matilda. The book was good, but I love to watch the movie even more. It holds so much nostalgia for me.
Series or Standalone’s?
Tag You’re It! Create your own post and link back to me or answer in the comments below!
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