Book Tag Thursday: Shiver Me Timbers Pirate Book Tag
As always for this segment I will find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs and complete mini-challenges. I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well! Leave your own answers in the comments or write your post and link it back to me.
Today’s Topic: Shiver Me Timbers Pirate Book Tag
Found At: Zezee With Books
Arrrr! – I Concur: Name a book with a character that you identified the most with.

I really enjoyed this anthology of stories (review to come soon!) and how it showcased different experiences of being black. I resonated with a lot of the situations that some of the characters go through as a teen and as a adult.
Avast! – Knock it off: Name a book with a character that drove you batty from irritation.

The main character of the novel Petra immediately rubbed me the wrong way at the beginning of the story. She came off as selfish, snotty, and high maintenance. I couldn’t find any redeeming qualities about her nor could I connect to the story much. (Review)
Booty! – Loot: Name your favorite special editions (or any specific editions) of books that you own.

I don’t really own special editions of books, but I do love this illustrated Japanese version of Howl’s Moving Castle! I love intricate drawings that mirror the film!
Doubloon! – Cash Money: Name a book that you unhauled, or got rid of, and later regretted doing so.

I really wish I would have kept this book for myself instead of donating it since I enjoyed it so much. This book had me on an emotional roller coaster ride and it was so beautifully written! It opens up a deeper discussion and understanding of people living with disabilities. (Review)
Yo ho ho! – We’re Outta Rum: Name a book that left you with on an unexpected cliffhanger, or had an ambiguous finale.

As much as I loved this book and though the story comes to a close, I wanted to know more about the spirits that were haunting the apartment. I wished their was more background to give them more depth and to understand why they were haunting the building. (Review)
SHIVER ME TIMBERS! – Holy Crap!: Name a book that had the most jaw-dropping plot twist you’ve read.

What makes this novel such a page turner is that it’s such a gritty psychological thriller. There are numerous twists and turns, and once you have a slight idea of where the story is going, it does a complete 180. Plus the narrator can not be trusted. The climactic ending threw me for a loop. (Review)
Tag You’re It! Create your own post and link back to me or answer in the comments below!
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