Book Tag Thursday: Spring Cleaning Book Tag
As always for this segment, I will find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs and complete mini-challenges. I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well!
Today’s Topic: Spring Cleaning Book Tag
Created By: Sophril Reads
- Please link back to Daniel @ Page to Page
- Respond to the scenarios
- Tag 5 people (or however many you like)
It’s time to make your bed, but you’re going to have some friends over later and want to pick the perfect book to place on your nightstand for them all to see that you’re “reading”. Which book do you choose?

This is a difficult one since I have all types of books on my nightstand. Maybe a book that’s really popular and that everyone is talking about? I’ll choose The Prophets by Robert Jones Jr. I think literary fiction is a genre that always gets people talking.
Oh no! The house needs dusting, but you just can’t put that book you’re reading down! What book would you buy on audio just so you could continue the story while cleaning?

Hmm..probably a fantasy novel. I think I would listen to Blood & Honey by Shelby Maurin. I loved listening to the audiobook for Serpent & Dove. The narration was good and the story had me hooked the entire time.
Darn it! The ceiling is leaking! Turns out Mass-Market Paperbacks are the best things to soak water up! Which popular book do you use to soak up the water?

I’d hate to use a book to clean up soaking water, but I think if it was an old mass-market copy of Twilight I wouldn’t mind.
Bathrooms need a good scrubbing, and your 2007 Cosmos are a little outdated and need replacing. What book do you place in the bathroom for some light reading for when people need to take care of business?

I don’t keep any books in the bathroom. No answers for this prompt!
Family is coming over, but you have no idea what to make for dinner! You read somewhere that tearing up the last chapter of a book whose ending you hated and sprinkling it in a casserole dish makes for the perfect meal! Which book do you choose?

I’m laughing out loud at the thought of someone using book pages for a casserole topping. Anyways I would pick Convenience Store Woman. I didn’t really like how open-ended it was. Usually, they don’t bother me, but I just didn’t mesh well with this book.
Organization is key, right? When it comes time to organize your bookshelf, you realize you have enough room (and money) to get three new books! Which books do you buy?
I’m going to pick these three books on my TBR that would like to own, but haven’t bought yet.
Finally, some peace and quiet! But, before you can relax, you realize you forgot to send your Aunt a thank you gift for the lovely “ADULT LIFE FOR DUMMIES” book she gave you for Christmas (maybe she’s trying to tell you something?). What book do you send to her to show her how much (this is sarcasm) you appreciate her gift?

I love the cheekiness of the title and I think it’s just a sassy bookish gift enough for a family member.
Tag! You’re it! Comment with your answers below or participate by writing your own post and link back to me.
I wondered if you’d’ve bought the new Alyssa Cole yet. I’ve read The Prophets…I’ll talk to you about it (in vague enough terms that everyone around us will believe we’ve both read it LOL)!
I actually have not bought the new Alyssa Cole book, but it is on my TBR. The Prophets was not the book for me (I struggle with a lot of magical realism) and sometimes the text was hard to follow.
I’m looking forward to reading Convenience Store Woman one of these days, but I think that type of ending will annoy me too.
I had such a hard time reading that book. I was confused most of the time and I really needed an ending that summed the story up.