Book Tag Thursday: The Stuck At Home Book Tag
As always for this segment, I will find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs and complete mini-challenges. I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well!
Today’s Topic: The Stuck At Home Book Tag
Found At: allonsythornraxx
The Rules
- Thank the person who nominated you
- Answer all the questions down below
- Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx
- Nominate 5+ bloggers you’d like to know more about, to do this tag
1) What are you currently reading?

I’m bouncing between a few books at the moment, but currently I’m finishing the audiobook Picture Us In the Light which I’m really enjoying.
2) What’s your favorite ‘can’t-leave-the-house’ activity?

Besides reading? I love crafts and art project. Usually my go-to is paper crafting. You can find my decorating pen pal letters, Bullet journaling, putting together a paper theatre kit, or crafting my own creations.
3) A book you’ve been meaning to read for forever

I’ve always wanted to read more of Angelou’s works. I finally have a copy of this book, but I have yet to read it still.
4) An intimidating book on your tbr

I started reading this years ago when I checked it out at the library, but I never finished it. I guess I’ve intimated because it’s been sitting on my TBR for so long. But now I’m not sure if I want to read it still.
5) Top 3 priority books on your tbr
Basically, I picked these three books because they are highly anticipated reads that I wanted to read when they published, but still haven’t read.
6) Recommend a short book

This is a short collection of Dami’s webtoon series As Per Usual and it’s a very fun. It’s comical, lighthearted, and a quick read!
7) Recommend a long book

I love this series and it’s been such a fun buddy read with ZezeeWithBooks. It’s a bit long, but I love the mixture of fantasy and suspense blended into the novel.
8) Something you’d love to do while stuck at home

Pick up cross stitching again. It’s really therapeutic for me and it’s so much fun!
9) What do you plan on reading next?

I’m so hyped for this book! I hope to get the ARC review up this month. From the synopsis alone, this book sounds amazing.
Tag! You’re it! Comment with your answers below or participate by writing your own post and link back to me.
Great choices of books! You inspired me to take part:
Yay! It’s such a fun tag isn’t it?
I enjoyed the ARC for The Conductors. Hetty’s a lovable protagonist, the magic system’s interesting, and I learned some things about history. Looking forward to your thoughts.
I can’t wait to read it. It’s on my TBR for this month. The magic system sounds particularly interesting.