Book Tag Thursday: Ultimate Recommendations Tag

Welcome to my segment where I find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide interwebs made by lovely bloggers like you! I hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well!

Today’s Topic: The Ultimate Recommendations Tag

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The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Answer all the questions down below
  • Pingback to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxx
  • Nominate 5+ bloggers to do this tag

Recommend a book from one of your favorite genres

It was definitely an interesting reading experience while reading The Conductors. I really enjoyed the fantasy elements and the fact that the magic system is tied into constellations made it unique from other historical fiction murder mystery novels I had read before. Hetty and Benji make really solid lead characters. I liked seeing their development as well as their lives in the present and past and seeing how they work as conductors. They are so revered by others but they constantly struggle with those that they couldn’t help save. 

Recommend a short book

Biko the Thief is a fun, fast-paced Sci-Fi novella that will take readers on an adventure to galaxies far, far away. Set in a futuristic world, people are migrating to new surroundings outside of Earth. One scientist decides to create a Black utopia and sets off on a forty-year journey in a spaceship called the Biko. Everything goes as planned until Lindewe, the thief tries to rob the ship and profit from the passenger’s wealth.

Recommend a book-to-screen adaptation

This movie was mind-blowing not only because of the plot but the special effects used (they felt so realistic!). Apes is a movie I’ve had on my watchlist for years and now it’s become one of my Sci-Fi favorites of all time. Though it’s an older film, I think the message of it is still incredibly relevant to this day, which is what makes it so powerful. From beginning to end I was hooked into the story and all the actors helped to immerse the viewer into the film. It’s a film I highly recommend!

Recommend a book out of your comfort zone

I am very picky about reading sports manga but something about this series piqued my interest. The story follows Kikuzato who becomes integrated in the world of sports after a leg injury. He finds a newfound passion for running after meeting a prosthetist who gives him a new outlook on life. This series is inspiring and offers representation for people with disabilities. I found myself easily getting immersed in the story and Kikuzato’s journey along with other characters.

Recommend a book series

Reading the Starless Series has been one great adventure for me. It gives me space opera feels (similar to Star Trek and other sci-fi shows I love) due to having two different races (alien and human) working together to fight off a greater evil. Seeing them cooperate to try to survive and beat off the Temorshian while also bonding and sharing cross cultures has been one of my favorite parts of this series. I’ve seen the characters grow in strength and heal over grief and they hope to win the war. 

Recommend a standalone

This a music romance book, but with a more serious narrative. It’s not only about a romance that blooms, but is also a story about grief, healing, self-discovery, and angst. Even though the subject matter was heavy at times, it’s still filled with light-hearted moments where the characters have impromptu jam sessions and make you laugh out loud with their goofy antics.

Recommend a book you don’t talk about enough

The pages of The Only Black Girls in Town weave together a story of growing up, solving a decades-old mystery, and changing friendships. This was an engaging middle-grade novel from beginning to end. The Only Black Girls in Town not only does a great job educating its readers but also dismantling expectations of Black girls and harmful stereotypes. This is a great slice-of-life/friendship-themed read perfect for middle-grade readers and adults alike.

Recommend your ‘staple’ book

Fairy tales, alternate universes, and magic are just a few of the things that make this manga so delightful! It’s a short story (four volumes total), but well worth reading. Masturi’s delicate and beautiful imagery combined with the fantasy elements make the story feel enchanting. It’s on the cute and sweet side of romance, but I liked that they added action scenes and some drama to give it that extra flair of suspense.

Recommend the book/s that got you into reading

A few of my Childhood favorites are:

Recommend 3+ bloggers who recommend great books

Zezee With Books, Adventures in reading, running and working from home, Happy Indulgence

Tag! You’re it! Comment with your answers below or participate by writing your own post and link back to me.

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