Book Tag Thursday: Who Am I? Book Tag
As always for this segment, I will find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs and complete mini-challenges. I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well!
Today’s Topic: Who Am I? Book Tag
Found At: NeverNotReading
If your life was a book genre, what would it be?
As much fun it would be for some aspects of my life to be fantasy, I would say my book genre would be contemporary. I think most people would agree with this genre, although I will say that even in contemporary novels characters should live life to the fullest.
What villain from a book do you most identify with?
This is a hard one. I never really identified with any villain traits in a story that I can think of. I think most of the villains I read in stories are either extremely diabolical or completely misunderstood.
What protagonist are you most similar to?

I felt that as a writer could relate to Tessa’s experience on many levels. I’ve faced many bouts of writer’s block and struggled to find the right words to craft stories. Plus I could relate to her experience of wanting to see herself reflected in the stories she read. It’s why diverse stories are so important. She’s bookish like me and we share a lot of the same hobbies.
What book did you connect with in the past that you no longer do?

I think this can be said for multiple books that I read in the past. As we grow and learn, we discover that books we, once we read, are something we can no longer relate to. I think it’s more of a matter of getting older and changing.
What recent book read would you love to be a character in?

I recently started this series and it was so much fun! I love solving mysteries and I think it would be interesting to be a part of the agency Mary is in and go sleuthing for clues.
How do your reading habits show off your personality?

I’m more of a mood reader and typically reflects my current feelings. I will say I think the type of books I’m reading over the years is a good reflection on how my personality has evolved from exploring new and different things. I might see myself reading a genre I never would have touched 2 years prior.
What book taught you something about yourself?

I recently listened to this insightful audiobook and it gave me major TED talk vibes in a good way. Drew shares her experience with being an artist through art toward activism. Her book discusses ways to create space for the change that we want to see in the world in a variety of art spaces. It made me think differently about art exhibits and musems and the types of artwork I grew up learning about. It’s made me think more about how art and activism can coincide together.
Tag! You’re it! Comment with your answers below or participate by writing your own post and link back to me.
Enjoyed the post. Idk if a book has taught me about myself. Sometimes I’ll read something and go ‘that’s interesting I want to try that’ but nothing that was a revelatory experience that I can remember.
Thanks for reading!