Book Tag Thursday: Wonder Woman Book Tag
Welcome to my segment where I find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs made by lovely bloggers like you! I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well!
Today’s Topic: Wonder Woman Book Tag
Found At: Lair of Books
Wonder Woman: Your favorite badass female book character
Out of my most recent reads, I really admired Dimple from When Dimple Met Rishi. She was a strong, confident young woman who wanted to pursue her passions. She had a goal and even when she doubted herself she still stuck to her goal of developing an app and wanting to make waves in the STEM field.
Fantasy Island: A book setting you want to escape to

For me it’s always gonna be Hogwarts. Magic is cool!
London: A hyped book that let you down
Usually I enjoy all of Sophie Kinsella’s novels, but Surprise Me was a bit of let down. I had no problem with the fluffiness of it and I liked the concept of a married couple trying to spice up their marriage. But its downfall was that it lacked substance and the characters were a bit bland.
Steve Trevor: A book that has a beautiful cover and a great story (i.e. good personality)
The whole series has gorgeous covers, but this is one of my favorites. Second Daughter also has a great story and it’s the second installment of The Royals of Dharia series. The series is a fun fusion of steam punk with Indian characters and it’s action-packed with a lot of romance. I can’t wait to read the third book.
Lasso of Truth: A book you hated
It’s been a long while since I read a book I’ve hated, so I’ll pick a DNF book. I just couldn’t get into the story subject, for Everything Belongs to Us, but I had no issues with the writing. I stopped reading it a quarter way through.
Wonder Woman’s Shield: A book so sad that you need a shield
The Bone Sparrow was a book tinged with sadness due to its subject matter. Fraillon mixes a heavy dose of fictional characters with a harsh realty in order to create an important narrative about human rights issues and brings them to light.
Ares: a villain that is scary, but you can’t seem to hate them
I usually hate most literary villains, but the White Witch from Narnia is terrifying yet fascinating.
The Amazons: A book that you wish had more/better LGBT+ representation
I can’t think of a specific book.
Justice League: What superhero book friends do you tag
Anyone who’d like to do this tag!
Tag! You’re it! Comment with your answers below or participate by writing your own post and link back to me.
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