Book Tag Thursday: This or That Tag
As always for this segment I will find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs and complete mini-challenges. I’ll hope you’ll have fun and participate with me as well! Leave your own answers in the comments or write your post and link it back to me. (You are also free to use the picture if you’d like, just credit me.
Originally created by: AuroraBookBox
Found at: MegaMad4Books
Yay! First book tag of the year! Let’s go!
Audio or book in hand?
Definitely, book in hand. I like to read with a hardback/paperback copy of a book. My mind tends to wander when I listen to audio books and I have a harder time concentrating on the story.
Soft cover or hard cover?
Soft cover. They’re a lot cheaper and less heavy to carry. I like to read my books on-the-go.
Fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction! Fiction! Fiction! I rarely read non-fiction books. Plus I feel like fiction is more of an enjoyable read.
Fantasy world or real life issues?
Fantasy. 80% of what I read are fantasy books. Not that real-life issues aren’t interesting, but I can use my imagination with fantasy books.
Harry Potter or Twilight?
Umm okay so for the record…. *in a very tiny voice* I’ve never ever read any of the Harry Potter books. Sorry! I’ve only seen the movies. But eventually I will read them. As for Twilight, I have read the books and movies. My final decision….is Harry Potter. Cause a school for wizards is pretty cool. Sorry vamps.
Bookstore or online?
Bookstore. I usually go to the bookstore to find a book and to also get some ideas for other possible reads I might be interested in. I prefer to shop at my local bookstores than big chain bookstores. However, if I visit a couple of bookstores and cannot absolutely find the book I’m looking for I’ll look online as a last resort.
Stand alone or series?
This is a hard question….probably….series. I like to see a cast of characters develop over a period of time. Plus it allows the author to expand that book’s settings, plot line, etc.
Borrow or buy?
Buy. I don’t mind borrowing books from friends and family, but I prefer to have my own copies.
Monster read or short and sweet?
Monster read. I typically like longer stories. Short stories are nice too, but when the story is longer I feel like I can take my time with the books and I’m getting more for my money.
Starry eyed romance or action?
I’m a sucker for romance stories.
Curl up in your Snuggie or in the sun?
It’s all about the Snuggie!

Hot chocolate or latte?
Latte! I love coffee!
Read the review or figure it out for yourself?
Read the review. I like to hear what other people are saying.
Kindle, Ipad or other?
Tag you’re it! Tell me your answers to the questions above in the comments, and leave a link to your own post! 🙂
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SO glad you did this TAG!! Loved your answers!!
Thanks! I had a lot of fun with it 🙂 I loved your answers too!
I like the idea of this kind of survey. Good answers! I’m the same way with audiobooks. I can listen to one if I’ve already read it once and just enjoy the story, but my mind wanders when the reader isn’t going as fast as I would go on my own, so I miss important plot points. And three cheers for buying from brick and mortar shops! Thank you, thank you.
That snuggie gif absolutely slayed me. 🙂
Haha, the snuggie is undefeatable. Glad the gif made you laugh. And yes, we should ,as avid readers, support brick and mortar shops all the time. Don’t know what I would do without them.