Book vs.Movie: The Hunger Games
Hey guys~ I’m back!
So I’ve been lazy about posting with this blog, and I apologize. I was uncertain of what to talk about next and plus I’m busy with a summer class, work, and juggling other vlogs. So today I picked a random topic. Today I want to talk about and compare/contrast “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins book vs. the movie adaption that was released just last year. The book series and movie was a success and I’m really hyped about the Catching Fire”. I would review the entirety of the series, but currently I’m still working my way through “Mockingjay” (last book), so once I finish that I would like to review the whole series.
Let’s start with the story in its original form by discussing the novel:
Okay, so I admit, I’m guilty of reading the novel when I heard the movie was coming out. I had started it way earlier,but I was never able to finish due to the many other books I was reading. I was intrigued by the storyline. However, I had read the book “Battle Royale” as well as watched the movie before the existence of “The Hunger Games”.I was a little biased and the setup and storyline sounded like it was going to be the same thing, but it actually proved me wrong.
Story synopsis:
16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the post-apocalypse nation of Panem, where the countries of North America once existed. The Capitol, is an advanced metropolis, exercises political control over the rest of the nation. The Hunger Games are an annual event in which one boy and one girl aged 12–18 from each of the twelve districts surrounding the Capitol are selected by lottery to compete in a televised battle to the death.
Here are my thoughts on the novel: First off, Katniss is a bad ass, but at the same time she still has her faults and she admits that, which I admire. Through the entirety of living in District 12’s poverty, taking her sister’s place in the games, trying to survive in the games with her awesome skills, dealing with relationships with Peeta and Gale, and the conspiracy of the Capitol, she handles it pretty well, and I think a lot better than most people would. The only thing that got on my nerves was the whole love triangle situation with Peeta and Gale, because for me it was clear who she should have chose.
Moving on… the storyline flowed really well throughout the entirety of the novel. There was always something going so I could never get bored, and I had a hard time putting time the book. I also love the detailed descriptions of the settings, the people, as well as the depth of the characters. I think “Hunger Games” did a good job of setting itself apart from the rest of the novels that were coming out at that time.
Now the movie discussion:
Of course I was biased when watching the movie because of reading the novel. I think overall that “Hunger Games” was good, but not amazing since it was the first film. I have seen the trailer for “Catching Fire” and they have improved on a lot of stuff visually and I think they can handle the storyline even better. I totally understand that its hard to fit a 140 page novel (not sure of the exact page length) into a two-hour movie. Not everything was going to fit. I liked the casting of Jennifer Lawrence for Katniss and well as for the other main leading/more prominent characters.

The thing that most upset me was how many people on the internet were arguing that the actors/actresses didn’t fit the character descriptions. People just gotta live and keep moving on, this happens a lot with movie adaptions of books. But keep in mind that casting directors are not only trying to fit the characters looks but also who can act and portray the characters. Sure the actor may look like the character but that doesn’t necessarily they can carry the storyline. And then the whole issue about Rue being black, which really upset and angered me, but I’m not even going to get into that (not even gonna waste my time ranting about that).
Sometime the acting fell a little flat in certain parts, but for the most part it was okay. And I really loved how they did the makeup and costuming for the capital people as well as the game participants. And the action scenes were pretty awesome as well. CGI is amazing! And the eye candy! <3


Overall verdict: Book is still better than the movie, but I enjoyed them bringing a cool story and characters to like on the big screen.
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2 thoughts on “Book vs.Movie: The Hunger Games”