Broke & Bookish Secret Santa Unboxing!
So this holiday season I participated in the 8th Annual Broke & Bookish Secret Santa This is my fourth year participating! I love this holiday exchange and it’s so much fun shopping for gifts and meeting some cool bookish people through the project! I appreciate that Jamie (from The Broke and Bookish) puts this on every year and that I get to meet so many new bloggers.
Here is a glimpse of the wrapped package I sent to my #TBTBSanta. I’ll keep it a secret since she hasn’t received it yet. I’m going to drop the package off at the post office this week!

I just received my package yesterday, so I was super excited! My reaction to the package coming in the mail:
My #TBTBSanta was Lena from I Love Books Club (check out her awesome ride).She is an amazing Secret Santa who spoiled me so much and I was delighted by everything in the package.
Upon opening the box I was delighted by all the Kit Kats that greeted me!
Lena’s wrapping skills are also amazing! I love the cute penguin paper! And the thoughtful card!
Lena!! Thank you so much for everything! Words cannot express how grateful I am for all of the books and lovely gifts! 😀
The books I received were:
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein
Death Note (Black Edition) Vol. 1 by Tsugumi Ohba

I am looking forward to reading all of these books!!!! The black trimmed pages of Six of Crows and Death Note are so beautiful! I wrote that I loved chocolate and she delivered. There is so much chocolate for me to snack on throughout the holidays (let’s see how long it lasts, lol). I can’t wait to try out my new candles and the paper Himeji Castle kit. I also will be adding my little Santa ornament to my Christmas tree. I really like the heat changing Doctor Who mug too. The design is so pretty! 😀
Thank you again Lena!