Here is a complete list of the ongoing weekly, monthly, and bi-monthly features that I present on my blog.
Bi-Weekly Features
“Book Tag Thursdays” is a bi-weekly segment where I find awesome book tags throughout the vast, wide inter-webs made by lovely bloggers.
Monthly Features

“My Favorite Things” is a monthly segment where I share my personal and current favorites in seasonal products, health & beauty, food, decor, movies, TV shows, and more.
In “What I’m Listening To” I’ll share some of my favorite picks with you in a themed mini-playlist of five songs.
Periodic Features
In-depth Q&A’s with a variety of authors.

In “Tea Time Review” I try out various teas that are new to me and share my thoughts.

In my bi-monthly segment “Romance Roundup” I share mini-reviews of 3-4 romance novels that I’ve read recently.

“Comic Corner Roundup” is a bi-monthly segment that compiles mini-reviews of comics, graphic novels, and manga that I’ve read for the month.

Haul of books that I’ve bought, received as a gift, won, or are review copies I’ve acquired.

“A Bibliophile’s Nostalgia” is a series where I revisit some bookish things from the past that gives me all the nostalgia feels.