Fictional Libraries I Love

I’m doing something a bit different on the blog today! Since I’ve seen so many libraries in my life that I want to visit, why not share some of my favorite fictional libraries with you. Here are some memorable ones I wish were real!

Prince’s Library – The Beauty and The Beast

I have always admired this library ever since I watched the film as a child. If someone gifted me a massive library of books, I would be forever grateful. The scene where Belle sees the library for the first time reminds me of when I first visited the library as a kid and seeing all the books that lined their shelves. The library in this movie is massive but is also cozy since it features a warm fireplace that you can sit and read next to.

. The Egyptian Museum of Antiquities’ Library – The Mummy

I loved this movie to pieces and its library. Besides Evie’s chaotic scene of knocking over entire library shelves (so much secondhand embarrassment!), this library is notable for all the antique books it carries. As a history nerd, I would love to spend hours in the library researching texts and learning about everything there is to know. It has a dated look due to its period setting but I feel like that is the library’s main charm!

Matilda’s Public Library

Matilda frequently goes to the public library where she finds solace in the fictional worlds found in books. Her public library is full of beautiful books and a very kind librarian that encourages her to read to her heart’s content. Seeing her in the scenes where she grows up in the library reminds me of how my relationship with libraries has evolved over the years.

School Library – Whisper of The Heart

I think many viewers of Ghibli films would love to live the worlds Miyazaki creates in his stories. In Whisper of The Heart, the main character is a bookworm who is an aspiring writer. Because of this, she spends a lot of time reading books and in the library. I have never seen a school library so big while also having a comforting atmosphere. My school libraries were quite small and this one was impressive.

Magical Library – The Library of Ever

The world of libraries in this series is much more complex than you think. They have special powers and the library itself has many magical qualities. I really enjoy how the parts of the library open up new doors to other worlds (literally and figuratively). When a patron has a question for the librarian they are unable to answer it turns into a greater quest for knowledge. They get to interact with other beings/librarians to help them solve the questions.

The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library – Between the Lions

I enjoyed the premise of the show being set inside this magnificent library and all of the sketches in each episode as a child. It was a cool library set with high-rise ceilings, decorative stone statues, and a cast of characters that will make you smile. The workers in this library will make you feel right at home and will help you find any book on your TBR.

The Sunnydale High School Library – Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I always thought this would be a cool library to meet up with friends, have study sessions, or just hang out and catch up. I think for a high school library it’s very impressive compared to my own experiences. It’s also an iconic location in the series as Buffy and the gang does research with the library’s extensive collection when supernatural occurrences happen.

What are some of your favorite fictional libraries?

13 thoughts on “Fictional Libraries I Love

  1. Great list! One of my favourites is a graphic novel, The Night Bookmobile by Audrey Niffenegger. There’s a slim little Haruki Murakami novella too. Uh oh, don’t get me started… 😀

  2. I love this! Buffy’s library reminds me a bit of the Special Collections dept I worked in at a university library (now closed and in fact demolished!). No armchairs, but lots of dark wood and ancient volumes.

  3. Whisper of the Heart is such a great movie. I like the library from Avatar the Last Airbender and the Addams Family Movie.

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