Libraries: Where Books Thrive
Words can not describe how much I love a library. Whether it’s going to the public library, cozying up next to my own personal library (aka my book collection), or checking out pictures of fancy or ginormous libraries of old mansions or huge homes on the internet. If I won the lottery, chances are I would buy a giant library with a cool secret (revolving)bookcase. Or something like this:

When I was a kid, the library was one of my favorite places to be, and it still is. I can choose any book I want and go on an adventure to a faraway place. Libraries are awesome! A place to get a ton of books, enriches kids minds, and the most important thing is that it brings a sense of community. People can go to the library and relax, talk to one another about books, and learn! I can spend hours in library going through the many shelves trying to decide what I want to read. It’s so difficult and most the time I bring home more books than I can read:

Libraries are also great for kids. I think it’s great when I see kids at my local library and they come up to the checkout with the biggest smiles because they can’t wait to read their books. Kids learn from libraries. Anyways, the main point I’m trying to get at overall is not only that libraries are so great, but very important too. It’s sad to see the decline and closures of local libraries. It upsets me because you need libraries in communities. They’re beneficial for everyone! It seems like people are reading less and kids are turning to TV even more. Shut off the electronics and go read a book! Go support your local library they play a big role in the community and education growth!
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