March FanMail Unboxing: “Mostly Dead” Box
Hello everyone! I’m back with another fun FanMail unboxing! To see my previous unboxing click here.
FanMail is a subscription box made by lady geeks for lady geeks. It’s $21.99 per box plus shipping costs. Subscribers can sign up on a month to month plan, 3 month plan, or 6 month plan. Their monthly box features fun themes and curated items that are harder to find online or in stores.
The theme for March’s box is “Mostly Dead”. It featured products from TV shows, movies, and media that focus on the undead and supernatural. Here’s all the goodies that I got.

An informative and fun note on the back of my graphic print poster that lists all the products in box and upcoming books, movies, TV, etc.

Overall Thoughts:
I was intrigued by the entire theme for March and was very pleased with the products featured in the box. I actually ended up enjoying this box more than the first one! I liked that I could get a lot of use out of most of these products such as the zombie magnets that I could put on my fridge and carry books in my awesome The Walking Dead themed bag.
While I was familiar with some of the TV shows and movie products featured in the first box, I am an avid fan of all the fandoms in March’s box. Shaun of the Dead is my top favorite zombie comedy film and I have been watching The Walking Dead since season one! The print of Liv Moore from iZombie is so cool, and I look forward to adding it to the collection of posters and prints on my wall.
On a side note, I also want to add that I loved the Orphan Black themed DNA nail wraps featured in January’s box. I usually have trouble wearing nail wraps, but these were easy to put on and very comfortable to wear. Plus I got tons of compliments on them. 🙂
As I stated in my previous unboxing, I look forward to subscribing to future boxes from them.For more info about FanMail visit:
What subscription boxes have you tried or definitely recommend? Comment below!
*This post is in no way sponsored by FanMail
*Pictures taken by me with my Android phone
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