My Favorite Things: March

My Favorite Things is a monthly segment where I share my personal and current favorites in seasonal products, health & beauty, food, decor, movies, TV, and more. I hope you enjoy these personal picks!


For Himuro, being a descendant of a snow spirit is tough at the workplace when your emotions can lead to snow blasts with snowmen and igloos. Any emotionally charged incident with coworkers can trigger it—conflict, fun, and in this case, romance. And with his lovely and calm coworker Fuyutsuki, he gets more frozen, literally. Get ready for a snow-white office romance that blows in like a blizzard.

After indulging in the wholesome anime that was Skip & Loafer I’ve been on the hunt for a short, but cozy anime. This one has been in my queue for a while and though I just started the anime, it’s proving to be an enjoyable watch so far. This romance comedy has some soft supernatural, fantasy elements but at its core is a romance workplace story. I like the concept of the main characters being descendants from different beings and how their powers come into play during their daily work lives. It’s nice to see more romance anime being created with adult characters.


What Happened to Decades?

I miss Adam Conover’s show, but glad to see he’s producing new content on YouTube. This video was interesting and discusses the topic of how cultural conversation has been dominated by “generations” instead of decades like in the past. It’s something I’ve definitely noticed during the 2010s and this video gave me more clarity on why time seems to move even faster now and the impact digital media is having on culture.


Sojourner White is the social worker turned award-winning travel vlogger, journalist, and on-camera talent behind Sojournies. I love to watch travel vlogs so much and Sojourner’s channel sticks out to me because it focuses on train travel. I took my first train last year and loved it so I look at her videos for tips on future train trips I’d like to take. Her videos are informative, entertaining, and have a lot of charm.


Last Night Was Good for My Soul by The Shindellas 

A new to me girl group! The Shindellas are a powerhouse Nashville trio with strong harmonies and vocals. This song is fun and great for letting loose. I love the mixture of jazz, soul, and R&B sounds in this track. The lyrics of the chorus are so catchy to sing along with. I’ll be adding this song to my summer playlist this year!

Yay by ONEW

I’m so excited to see ONEW live in concert next month! My Shawol dreams are coming true! I love that since he’s departed from SM Ent as a soloist how his sound has evolved. It’s nice to see the title track of this EP being a upbeat song rather than the ballads he typically releases. It’s a funky, rhythmic track that makes you want to groove and sing along. The MV matches the mood of the song as well.

What are some of your favorite things from March? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

1 thought on “My Favorite Things: March

  1. Oh that’s going to be such a great concert: have fun! And I love sleeper trains. In theory. I love trains in reality. My preferred way to travel. But I’m not sure whether I would truly find an extended sleeper-train journey as charming as I imagine it would be. I thiiiink so, but… y’know? March has been one strange month for me, but I have been enjoying some wintry reads and now I am just sidling up to the idea of some spring reading.

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