My Favorite Things: March Edition

My Favorite Things” is a monthly segment where I share my personal and current favorites in seasonal products, health & beauty, food, decor, movies, TV, and more. Hope you enjoy these personal picks!


Mischievous Kiss: Love In Tokyo -Season 2

Synopsis: Season 2 follows Naoki and Kotoko on their honeymoon, where a strange couple turns up and meddles in their romantic getaway. As they settle back in their new lives after the honeymoon, can Naoki and Kotoko handle the pressures of marriage and their careers?

Yay! I’ve finished yet another adaptation of the Itazura na Kiss (Mischievous Kiss) series! Now all that’s left to watch is the original 90’s drama version and the one that was made in Thailand a couple of years back. The second second for me wasn’t as strong as the first, because I felt like some episodes were filler content. But most episodes were well written and I like how they explored Naoki’s and Kotoko’s marriage. I felt like they added in some new things to not only spice up the story, but also to differentiate it from other adaptations.


Monthly Girl’s Nozaki Kun

Synopsis: Chiyo Sakura, a high school girl who fell in love with the unrefined boy schoolmate Umetaro Nozaki, decides to be courageous one day and asks him out. Her feelings weren’t conveyed properly, and before she knew it she ends up helping a particular job of his as an assistant… The series is a shojo manga boy comedy which centers around Nozaki, a high school boy that is a popular shojo manga artist, and has a story woven by very individualistic characters.

What a fun show! Nozaki is a short, binge-worthy anime running at twelve episodes tops. It follows a high school students working with a student manga-ka (manga writer) and their adventures. I learned more about the stages of how a manga is put together by watching this show and gained a further appreciation for the art. The show has a lot of laughs especially since Nozaki is the driest character of all and writes romance stories even though he’s clueless when it comes to love. You’ll definitely fall in love with these characters!


Animalz Face Masks

These’s masks run about $4 dollars a piece, but they are such cute facial masks! I tried out the fish one and I actually looked pretty scary in it lol, but it was fun. The mask left my skin super soft. These come in a wide variety of animals and I look forward to trying the other kinds.


Despicable Me 3

Synopsis: Gru teams up with his long-lost twin brother Dru in order to defeat a new enemy named Balthazar Bratt, a former child actor, obsessed with the 1980s, who grows up to become a villain after having his show cancelled following puberty.

Such a cute movie as with the rest of the film’s in the series. The plot wasn’t as strong as the first two Despicable Me films, but it was still enjoyable. I like seeing Gru’s interactions with his daughters and how Lucy was learning how to be a mom to them. I thought the scenes between Gru and his twin brother were pretty funny too seeing how they were complete opposites.


Sorry Not Sorry by Demi Lovato

I don’t listen to the radio as much as I used to so I just found out about this track recently. It’s got a killer beat and I love the lyrics too. It’s a different look and sound from Demi’s earlier days, but I love how it shows how much she’s evolved over the years.

Take Me Away by Fefe Dobson

Lately I’ve been cleaning up my digital music collection and found some killer tracks by Fefe Dobson. She has been one of my favorite pop/rock singers for a long time. This song has good melody and I love the intense drums in the background.

*This post is in no way sponsored

What are some of your favorite things in March? Share your thoughts in the comment section below. 🙂

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6 thoughts on “My Favorite Things: March Edition

  1. Awwww, those facial masks are adorable. Love. I think I would scare my nephew to death if I showed up wearing a fish masks, cause facial masks are already pretty scary-looking without adding more scariness in the form of animal parts. BUT when he’s a bit older, I think he’d dig em too.

    1. Lol, I understand. They look cute in the package, but are kind of scary looking when you put them on (like most other face masks). They work really well for softening skin though.

    1. Thanks! and your right, face masks make the skin feel awesome! Thanks for stopping by the blog, I like yours as well. That History book on your favorites list looks fun.

  2. The face masks make me giggle! Sounds like March has been a good month for you. I think my favourite books in March were Dawn Dumont’s stories about growing up on the reservation in what is now called southern Saskatchewan on the File Hills reserves (specifically, the Okanese reserve – a Nehewin or Cree community). Her first book is Nobody cries at Bingo, which is a set of linked stories featuring a young girl named…Dawn Dumont…and they do a fantastic job of depicting some key aspects of the indigenous experience but she is also a comedian so there are a lot of funny moments too. She had me laughing out loud in the story about Hallowe’en and trick-or-treating. Now that April’s started, I hope you’re finding new faves already!

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