Reading Recommendations: Spooktastic Reads 2019!
It’s that time of the year again where horror films reign, kids go trick or treating, and candy is everywhere! Since Halloween is coming up later this month, I’ve compiled yet another list of creepy novels to satisfy your horror cravings. Each book has its own horror rating, from one to three ghosts:

Enjoy these spooky tales to fill your night with fright!
*See last years recommendations here!*

From the very first pages of the novel and the description the family’s setting you know something creepy/unsettling is coming their way. This spine tingling tale will send shivers down your spine with the constant darting shadows, gusts of chilly wind, and whispering voices will put you on edge. The setting alone is enough to make the story creepy, but knowing if the family will make it out in time will keep you on edge.

This novel follows Casey regrets coming to Survive the Night, the all-night underground rave in the New York City subway. After finding her friend’s dead body she her friends find themselves searching for a way out. This novel is ominous and has a suspenseful feeling through the entire book. You’re not sure what to expect, but you know Casey and her friends are being followed by something. The story took an unexpected twist towards the end that caught me by surprise.

The story follows Red as she tries to survive in a a post-apocalyptic world. Everyone has been infected with an infection of some sort and it has spread throughout the entire country. Throughout the book there is an aura of having suspense as the readers trying to figure out the mystery behind the contagious virus and what is the monstrous parasite that is killing people. There is danger around every single corner and the overwhelming fear that radiates throughout the novel has the reader on the edge.

In this dark thriller, the main character Nearly is a high schooler that tries to solve the case of serial killer on the loose who is leaving cryptic ads in the newspaper. The thrill of the chase is what puts you on edge while reading this book and the mystery was interesting to put together. Nearly comes into many close calls while hot on the trail. Just like many other mystery novels out there, she has to be careful who to trust in the web of secrets.

This novel follows the trope of any horror story that goes “let’s go into the spooky house even though everyone is telling us not to. The main character, Mara, is the daughter of spiritualists and she moves into a old home filled with ghostly roommates. You know what’s coming in the story, but Coates takes her time slowly building up the horror aspects and the creepy factors until the last few chapters where it has a climactic ending. It’s spooky, creepy, and a entertaining read. This is a good novel if you like haunted house horror stories.

Menagerie takes readers to a circus full of the paranormal and supernatural giving it a very dark feel. You know from the beginning of the novel that sinister secrets lie underneath the circus tent and the main character, Delilah, is determined to figure what is happening even as she becomes part of the main act herself. I loved the multiple povs and it added even more depth to the story. It’s fast-paced, thrilling, and strong start to the series!

Do you have any “Spooktastic Reads” you’ll be reading for Halloween? Do you have any recommendations to share? Comment below!
I so wanna read Girl in Red. I’m just really curious about Christina Henry’s books.
I enjoyed it! I’ve gotta read more of her books.