Reading While Listening to Music…Is it possible?!

So I know a lot of the time listening to music while reading can be an enjoyable experience for some. And for others it can be distracting. But in the end, it all comes down to personal preference.

For me, in the past, it had to be absolutely silent for me to even be able to read a book. No noises, no distractions. But, now it doesn’t seem to bother me all that much, I can’t read in a supremely loud place, but if it’s somewhere public where people are talking at a somewhat quiet level and there is some calm music playing, I’m totally okay with it. Most of the time if the book I’m reading is so good, I’m completely absorbed in it and I block out the sounds around me.

But what about for people who can’t read and listen to music at the same time? I understand completely, it can be too distracting and you need that silence to concentrate. If you love to read and want to try listening music too/or just read in public, here are some tips:

1) Listen to calm styles of music.

Preferably I like to listen to classical music, ballads, light indie pop, relaxing jazz, and even movie soundtracks (such as Pirates of the Caribbean or Harry Potter, just to name some examples). You can even try those soothing sounds CDs (anybody still buy those or am just old? lol!) . Calming sounds can help you to focus on your book better and make you feel more relaxed.

2) Find a good space.

There are many places to read in public with out it being too loud. Try your local library, a bookstore, an outdoor park, or a cafe. Wherever you feel most comfortable. Keep in mind though, not all cafes are quiet (known from my own personal experiences). Try to visit the cafes or any of these places at the times when most people don’t visit them. Less people=less noise.

3) Enjoy your book!

Try these tips! Hopefully you’ll find it easier to read in public or listen to some of your favorite songs while reading a good novel! Are there any tips you personally use? I’d like to know! Leave your tips in the comments section! Happy Reading!


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3 thoughts on “Reading While Listening to Music…Is it possible?!

  1. I admire your ability to completely block out all outside noises while reading. I need quiet unless I’m reading something fluff like chick lit or magazines..

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