Tea Time Review: Bigelow’s Salted Caramel Tea

Hello fellow readers and tea drinkers! Welcome to another edition of Tea Time Review where I try various types of teas and share my thoughts about them. To see my most recent tea review, click here.

As Fall comes to a close and the Winter/Holiday season gets closer I thought I would review just one more Fall tea for you all. Today’s pick is Bigelow’s Salted Caramel Tea.

The tea is a popular combination of the sweet and salty flavor. It’s made with all natural black tea, caramel, with just a hint of salt flavor. They recommend adding add a splash of milk and a little sweetener for taste. Being that I am a fan of the Salted Caramel coffee drinks, I was excited to try a tea with a similar flavor.

This tea is caffeinated and its suggested that you should steep the tea for four minutes before removing the bag. Upon pouring the tea I smelled a caramel aroma immediately which made me reminiscence on all of the caramel flavored treats that I love.

Overall Thoughts

As excited as I was to try this tea I ended up not liking it at all. Even after adding sugar (as the website suggested) I found the tea to have a slightly bitter aftertaste after each sip. I could definitely taste the caramel, but the flavor wasn’t strong enough and I felt like the tea needed more caramel. I was a bit disappointed in this tea. I will say that I am more prone to fruity, green, or black tea blends though. I’m glad I did try it out and it was definitely a new experience for me. Though I didn’t like this tea I would recommend it to people who enjoy less sweeter blends or like salted caramel drinks/foods.

Final Verdict:

What tasty teas have you tried lately? Which teas would you recommend drinking while reading a good book? Comment below with your thoughts. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Tea Time Review: Bigelow’s Salted Caramel Tea

  1. It’s too bad this wasn’t a good tea. I’ve thought about picking it up a couple of times, but just never did. I guess that I’ll just skip this one. Thanks for the review!

  2. My husband had this the other day and thought it was wonderful and he’s not a tea drinker! He told me to buy a box the next time I went shopping. So you should try it.

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