Tea Time Review: Casa’s Okinawa Brown Sugar Milky Tea
Hello fellow readers and tea drinkers! Welcome to another edition of Tea Time Review where I try various types of teas and share my thoughts about them. To see my most recent tea review, click here.

While I was shopping at my local store I went down the tea aisle looking for a milk tea. I love drinking milk teas at cafes, but never tried making it at home before. After perusing a couple brands I settled on Casa’s Okinawa Brown Sugar Milk Tea!
What’s nice about this brand is that you get 10 packets of milk tea in a package for a decent price. (I paid about $6) You can make this milk tea hot or cold and it’s easy and fast to make. For hot tea using boiling water and for cold tea, mix with water and ice cubes.

Since I am used to drinking milk tea that is cold, I decided to make hot milk tea! Now it’s tea time!
Overall Thoughts

I was excited to drink this tea since I love drinking milk tea. Upon mixing the tea powder together and I could smell the familiar aroma of milk tea. However, upon drinking it I could only taste a faint hint of the Okinawa Brown Sugar Milk Tea flavor. I’ve drunk the same type of milk tea in a boba cafe and the flavor is strong and much sweeter. I felt like this tasted like a regular milk tea.
But I wasn’t disappointed at all. Drinking milk tea hot as opposed to cold was a new experience for me. I think I do prefer it cold. If there any other hot milk tea recipes/brands I should try, please send them my way! I think Casa’s Okinawa Brown Sugar Milk Tea is a light and fun drink that can be enjoyed by many tea drinkers!
Final Verdict:

What tasty teas have you tried lately? Which teas would you recommend drinking while reading a good book? Comment below with your thoughts.