Tea Time Review: Pharaoh Tea Company’s Creme Brulee Tea
Hello fellow readers and tea drinkers! Welcome to another edition of Tea Time Review where I try various types of teas and share my thoughts about them. To see my most recent tea review, click here.
Recently I discovered Pharaoh Tea Company. Based in Atlanta, GA they are a small Black owned online tea shop. I love supporting small business and discovering new tea companies as well.

I ordered their Queen Nefertiti box set which is filled with a selection of four different varieties of black tea. I love how it was packaged and the varieties of tea that came in the box. The box set includes: 4 – 1 oz container of black tea leaves, 20 empty tea bag filters, 5 Honey Sticks, and 1 oz container of sugar.

For this review I’ll be trying their Creme Brulee tea that consists of Black Ceylon Tea, Vanilla extract, and Creme Brulee. I love the desert and the sound of this tea sounded very enticing.
Overall Thoughts

This was such a delightful black tea blend. It’s light on the sweetness, but full of flavor! This blend has such a nice aroma and it’s so relaxing too. I couldn’t taste the Creme Brulee fully, but I think on my part that was due to me not steeping the tea long enough. It did have some nice hints of vanilla that I found soothing.
This is a tea blend that I can’t wait to drink over and over again, especially when reading a good book. This is a perfect tea for those lazy Sundays. I can’t wait to try the rest of the tea blends in my box.
Final Verdict:

What tasty teas have you tried lately? Which teas would you recommend drinking while reading a good book? Comment below with your thoughts.