Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Tropes
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
This week’s topic is Favorite Tropes! Here are some tropes I actively seek out when looking for a good book to read!
Enemies to Lovers

I love a good romance story like this. Don’t know why, but I think because they tend to be opposites attract stories.

I love books where the main character or group of people travel/go on a journey. They’re interesting since they tend to be stories where people discover themselves, I think that whether you travel solo or go somewhere new you learn a lot about yourself.
Friends to Lovers

I love these kinds of love stories. Mainly because they tend to be really sweet and the two leads have had time to develop their relationship into something more.
Villain Redemption

Interesting because these stories can go so many ways.
Love Triangles

Believe it or not, I actually do enjoy a good, well-written love triangle. I just don’t like when they tend to be one-sided.
Secretly Royal

Don’t know why I enjoy these books so much, I just always thought the aspects of royal life are very interesting to me.
Love at First Sight

I think these books are super romantic.
The Chosen One

These books can go so many ways since the main character has to decide whether they want to follow or change the path of curse/destiny that has been passed down to them through generations.
Fake Relationship

These stories are always fun and comical because the great lengths that people will go to hide the fake relationship. They usually are rom-coms which I adore.
Reluctant Hero/Heroine

Stories where someone has to save the day or fix a situation are always interesting. Usually they have to push themselves outside of their boundaries and it’s cool to see how’ll they achieve the task and save the day.
Waiting Evil

Stories with a secret ominous presence lurking throughout the book are so suspenseful. They keep they reader on edge because you’re never sure when they might pop up in the story.
Journeys can make for some great storytelling for sure.
Thanks Lydia! I agree.
Great picks! I’m super partial to enemies to lovers. It’s such a weak spot for me. I can never resist the chemistry and banter and all that jazz.
Thanks! I feel the same, lol.
I highly enjoy a traveling story line & a reluctant hero!
I especially enjoy a traveling story line when the character travels to a exotic island location 🙂
Me too! Travel stories of locations I’ve never visited intrigue me the most!